This page took me a veeeeerrry long time, maybe it’s the coloring, I’m not sure, but enjoy! Oh, thought some of you might like this, here is what Finn looks like before I make him look all crazy 😉
Posts Tagged Finn Callaghan
Thanks for hanging in there with me this week, I’m happy to get a post up. Also, there will be a heavy back story coming up, so any questions you might have will hopefully be explained 🙂
5-5-2011 – EDIT: As some of you who follow Nerf This will know this, my computer has completely thrown in the towel. I’m using a back up (ancient) desktop to post Nerf This, which for the most part is working despite being[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So here is an update, sorry about the lack of them. Hopefully next week I can replace this computer if everything goes well enough. Thanks for everyone’s patience, it truly means gallons, GALLONS to me. Hope this page turned out[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thanks for everyone who just started, and who has been reading this comic, I’m still learning a lot of new things, but I can’t seriously express my thanks enough. Also, you can tell Finn and Dillinger are in “like”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry for the delay on this stuff guys. Still working on the Destined Legends stuff which you can see here (some of it). I don’t know about you, but I peacock every morning from my bed to my desk when I wake[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
REALLY Sorry for the lateness on this page, quite a few things are happening so time is an issue (as much as I hate to admit it). Hope you enjoy. There won’t be as much of a span for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey guys, sorry it’s been so long with the last post, stuffs has been going on. So, thank you all for your patience, really means a lot 🙂 Anyways, Ethel is pretty nice, but Arlene is a bitch. Luckily[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…