5-5-2011 – EDIT:  As some of you who follow Nerf This will know this, my computer has completely thrown in the towel.  I’m using a back up (ancient) desktop to post Nerf This, which for the most part is working despite being tedious.  Scout Crossing however, due to file size and the effects that go into a finished page, are utterly impossible with what I have (never had so many warning: insufficient ram messages in one sitting before).

So, my limitations are line work and anything beyond that are impossible until I move some funds around and get a new workstation laptop.  I’ll most likely see what I can get this weekend as a replacement.  Sorry about the bad news.


Right now, it looks pretty good that I can go back to once a week updates.  I’m also really trying some new things with lighting/shading/drinking more coffee 🙂