REALLY Sorry for the lateness on this page, quite a few things are happening so time is an issue (as much as I hate to admit it). Hope you enjoy.
There won’t be as much of a span for the next update, the next week or two.
REALLY Sorry for the lateness on this page, quite a few things are happening so time is an issue (as much as I hate to admit it). Hope you enjoy.
There won’t be as much of a span for the next update, the next week or two.
Oh Finn Callaghan, how thou are so fucking awesome!
Welp, I guess she’s dying. She’s so cute, wish she didn’t have to go and get killed by Finn the badass over here.
Once he sets his sights on you, there isn’t a power on Earth, or in any Heaven or Hell that can save you. If Finn wants you to die. You. Will. Die.
I wonder what would happened if he was ever convinced to try and kill himself then…?
Wow, an interesting plot twist, but after so much murder, now’s not the time to apologize, missy.
You gotta earn your forgiveness, and you’re asking the wrong guy..
Again, I wish I could feel sorry for the poor girl.
…Oh, wait. No I don’t.
I want every town to have a Finn to keep the population of scum low. Would solve a lot of problems.
I love the hovertext 😀
Hooray! An update! I hope everything is okay.
You’d think that fake ink caused faces to be RIPPED from the body…it looks uncannily like a very strong and pissed off man grabbed it and yanked really, really hard.
So glad to see you updating again. And it looks fantastic. And, I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I want to have Finn’s children. So awesomely hardcore and hnnng yes please. <3
Oh dear, it seems that Finn is one of those assholes who asks for an explanation, and then tell you to shut up once you start explaining.
I’m sitting on my ass reading–oh
what a badass
Of course, Menachem…it’s the best and most effective way of showing that YOU are in control of the situation, NOT THEM. It’s also very satisfying to see their eyes bug out in frustration.
I don’t know; it’s always seemed to me like people who say that are pretentious pricks who can’t actually come up with anything clever to say. I mean, it’s usually toddlers who pull that kind of crap.
Mmmmm… This is probably wrong of me, however I think this is my single favorite page in the whole comic thus far… And I would listen to the reason because knowledge is power, unless he already knows the reason. But from arrogance to fear, so clearly in her eyes… It’s the look of sudden realization, that moment when the powerful realize that they’re actually the weak and that there’s nothing they can do to stop the coming kill… A wonderful moment to see… Now, blind ink tattoo artist with balls of steel and a raging temper… Kindly snap her neck and have done with it, unless you actually need her alive for something.
The reason he’s not listening, is because they killed his best friend and used his blood to make those tattoos. I’m pretty sure he’s GLAD they’re dying.
Did Finn just step away from the shop, his source of protection?
What part of “punched a bear” and “bit a shark to death” did you not catch? I’m pretty sure he isn’t scared of shit.
Man … I almost hoped this page would suck, because the waits are so frustrating. Nope, I *LOVE* this comic. Keep it up, and I’ll keep coming back.
This is one of the few comics I’ve found that had a genuinely original idea, and is doing a great job of fleshing it out. You should type up a script and send it to movie houses.
I wanted to say that this comic is GREAT. Also, that I dreamed with Finn and Ruggles :3 . But they also kind of owned a night club and they were the bartenders XD so yeah, it was weird XP.
I only just got into this comic.
As soon as I saw “indie reference with tattoos that give you superpowers”, I was sold.