Animal Undies
This page took me a veeeeerrry long time, maybe it’s the coloring, I’m not sure, but enjoy!
Oh, thought some of you might like this, here is what Finn looks like before I make him look all crazy 😉
This page took me a veeeeerrry long time, maybe it’s the coloring, I’m not sure, but enjoy!
Oh, thought some of you might like this, here is what Finn looks like before I make him look all crazy 😉
Discussion (81) ¬
I think this is the most badass Scout has ever looked.
and he’ll only get more mad down the road 🙂
little bit attracted to badass psycho Scout. not gonna lie =P amazing work Scott. oh and Pizzly is delightfully squishy and bear-y
Grand work, Scott!
Pizzly is super adordable.
And Finn is unspeakably cranky. >:[
PS, Finn is ALMOST handsome in that link in the blurb.
You can tell he’s crazy by the scarf he’s wearing. ;x
To see Finn happy? I don’t think that day will come 😉
Your, not You’re. Otherwise I’m quite happy with the new Scott Crossing installment.
Oh wow, I can’t believe I made that mistake, fixing now…
Dude, that last panel is so fucking bad ass! Good job man!
i do think that would be a sweet ass tattoo to have… hey scott do you have any tats?
I have a few tattoos, I have an unfinished quarter sleeve on my right arm, and an unfinished sleeve of feathers on my left (which I’ve been adding on to for about… 5 years now?)
And a bunch of boring ones on my back shoulders and lower arms… I’m too sporadic with this stuff.
Angry!Scout is kind of delicious. And I really, really dig the effects in the last panel. The time it took to colour this was definitely worthwhile! 😀
LOVE the new avatar 🙂
sankyou! I drew it 😀 so it’s a big compliment coming from you, bahah!
Awesome! If I remember correctly, you said you wanted a tattoo?
No kidding, just the other day I fantasized about skin feathers popping out of my skin. And here we are. I mean, those are just feathery feathers that emerged from tattoos, and mine were just going to be wings of awesome. But still. Pretty close.
Pfft, I wish everyday my tattoos would come alive.
Yeah, as Brigand said, it should be “Your” and not “You’re” in panel 2. It really drives me nuts when you let grammar/spelling errors mar the totally badass and incredibly awesome artwork in your strips. 🙁 Your art is, seriously, SO GOOD – it deserves text perfection. 🙂
Sorry, I’m my worst proofer when it comes to writing, normally I would spot such errors (proof that I have a really long way to go yet). But thank you for the kind comments, I’m really happy you like everything.
Well, in the Artists defence, bad grammar and spelling is ok if it is in dialogue. It becomes Characterization.
for some reason I am reminded of a scene where a character corrects grammar that is spoken, like they just knew.
I figured out why it took so long.
Because of awesomeness… duh.
haha, or that I have a lot to learn yet, but hopefully awesome can come later 🙂
O_O sweet jimmy!
badassingly epic… may have to buy when it hits paperback. the art is too good not to look at in person.
is it wrong to want feathers inked on my arm now?
awesome/epicness meter overload commence fainting of anticipation in 5…4…3…2…
By no means take this as an insult, because the whole page is epic. But when I first saw Scout in the last panel, my first thought was a conglomeration of were-chicken and Big Bird.
haha, luckily feathers are just one thing he does (were-chicken is only the surface) 😉
Are those supposed to be feathers? Everyone’s saying feathers, but they always looked more like leaves in autumn to me. Either way, sweet art is sweet and serious Scout is serious. Gotta say Finn is my favorite character so far, though… he’s a lot like me in his curmudgeonly caring demeanor and love of sharks.
Scott, these comics make me draw feathers on my shoulder and arm and wish I wasn’t too chicken to get it all tattooed on.
haha you should! I generally fall asleep while getting mine, it’s not bad at all 🙂
It makes me giggle that they’re all like:
“Okay, I’m done intimidating innocent bystanders in order to make you mad enough to have it out, now give me a minute to find that comical weapon I discarded and then we can go at it like cats in a sack, yeah?” “Sure, but don’t take too long, as I plan on ripping your head off.” Of course, could be completely off with the subtext, but that’s half the fun!
I agree, i think leaves before feathers
eh, they can be whatever really.
Dude now I need a situation where I can say “I guess I need to pick up my awesomely dapper shark”
I been following you comic from the start, this and Nerf This, I dont normally read comics but yours keep me waiting. So thank you for the 3mins of joy I get every weekday reading your work.
WHOA full Black Swan style with the feathers coming out of human skin… Only Scout isn’t a nut job and it’s really happening because he’s AWESOME!!!
Dude, that last panel is AWSOME. You have so much improved in these comics of yours. Keep this up:D Oh one question, I was wondering how you do the drawings of your comic. First on paper I guess and then scan it. But the next step is something I have been wondering. Do you draw the lines with a tablet (if this is the case, my tablet sucks) or do you draw lines with mouse clicks? Thanks in advance Scott
Damn awesome! Absolutely love it, can’t wait for the next one!
Haha, in the right situation Finn’s threat doesn’t sound like such a bad idea…
In Scout’s own words; Hoshit!
GALLONS of feathers 😉
He’s molting right in the middle of the room. How embarrassing.
You’d never know he attacks people with blood thirsty aquatic life forms!
I am wondering what happened to sparticus does he go all werecokateil too?
Poor Pizzly! D:
oh, oh my. this is intense and wonderful and lovely and perfect. i was upset i had to wait so long, but now that it’s here, i’m so okay with it. my friend just found a comic that he drew (forever ago) of him being an adorable punk boy and fighting all these people out to take over him. reminded me of this comic until he told me the title “will vs the world.” do all artistic guys go through this phase of drawing a cartoon of themselves fighting everyone? yours is certainly more stunning than most, i must admit. kudos, scott.
Congratulations! You’ve won! ZOMGNOWAI!!! (sorry… this ad is just popping up on every single page and starting to drive me nuts…)
Sorry, I need to contact the ad publisher and get them to ban that specific ad. 🙁
Dude, seriously amazing. I’m really looking forward to the next few strips. your updates are always awesome.
I love this comic more and more. First Pizzly, then the whole shark line. Perfect.
Amazing Scott.
Thank you, it seriously makes my day to know you enjoy it 🙂
Dude, this is such a bad ass comic. Totally love it!
Awesome, thank you! I’m really happy you like it so far 😀
WHITE…. FURRY… UNDERWEAR!!!,r:23,s:0&tx=111&ty=74&biw=1280&bih=520
but longer fur and white
Those are hilarious. Kudos for taking the time to find that. 🙂
Duuuuuude, Scout is gonna kick Finn’s assssss!
haha probably 😉
Finn, you make the term “Badass” look like an understatement. Another amazing page! It has stirred up a want to do fan art of your beloved Finn Callaghan!
It’s his eyes… those “I sleep 1 hour a day” eyes.
Indeed. Mind if I was to do a little fan art of Finn here? His… “Finnesse” entices me very much and he seems like someone fun to draw.
Coming back to re-read this strip, I noticed the Title…and began laughing like a mad-man. My room-mate is now 90% sure I’m plotting to kill him, instead of the usual 65. Keep this up, I’m enjoying your work.
Hey! I only just discovered your site. I Just wanted to say that I love the colouring and particularly the experimentation you carried out in the earlier strips. I’m also very impressed at your ability to update so consistently.
Forgive me for seeming dense, but I have to ask – is this a deliberate satire of Scott Pilgrim, or is it a sincere work?
No no, your question isn’t remotely dense, but to be honest, it’s not a satire of SP, the the first 40 or so pages of Scout are pretty terrible (well they all might be terrible, but I hope the newer updates are less terrible, I’m still going through some serious growing pains). I hope as the next few chapters flesh out, you’ll see that this isn’t a modern love story, and while Scout’s name is in the title, this comic will revolve around Finn, and Penny just as heavily. Thank you for the kind words, I’m happy you like this so far 🙂
You are way too critical of your own work, Scott. I’ve been following this comic since it only had 15 or so pages and it’s always been awesome. Furthermore, I doubt he was mistaking it for a modern love story like Scott Pilgrim, more that the whole “vs. the World” part of it bears some similarity to the idea of having to defeat the x-number (forgot how many) of kings your comic promises that it seems Scout will have to fight. That and the whole fantasy and indie music scene elements that you’ve worked into this comic. I imagine you probably got some inspiration from SP, but I wouldn’t call this a satire or a rip-off at all. I just call this awesome with it’s shark club and tattoos with special powers is just awesomely creative with fantastic artwork.
I guess Finn’s going to see those tattoos now. He seems like a great Chessmaster.
Although I think it’s strangely sweet that Scout’s sticking up for Pizzly Bear. Just because he’s a formerly provoked pet of a guitar-wielding twat ($1 for Ruggles’ jar, whoops) doesn’t mean he deserves to be skinned!
I’ve been following all your comics for a few weeks now, and this strip is the pinnacle of awesome. Called my housemate in here, who hasn’t seen a single one of your comics before and we had a big girly swoony moment to that last frame of Scout. He’s simply that cool.
I came here expecting Team Fortress 2 and Animal Crossing.
I was pleasantly surprised.
This story is awesome.
Aww, I almost feel sorry for poor little Pizzly Bear.
I’m really loving watching these characters develop, it’s really interesting; and the main reason I’m saying this is because, I swear, Finn has so much badassery it’s amazing XD
I love your work man, but I’m having serious with drawls man.
Is their some kind of fiber for artistic-ness.
You know, to keep you regular
haha thanks for writing, and thank you for the kind words, there will be an update this week, it’s half way colored, I’m hopeful I can get it posted tomorrow 🙂
Just popped in here in the comments section to say that I’m really loving the development of both the characters and your drawing style. Great attention to detail, I just had to go back through the comic and look closely at everything again. Awesome awesome awesome.
Man, not that I want anything to happen to Pizzly Bear, but I bet a set of undies like that would be AWESOME comfortable.
What the Fuck?! The feathers sperad and become real?
thats my new ultimative threat. Have to remember that for later conversations…
Lol reference to Mr.Mills
this comic is freaking awesome!!!!!