Sing for Me
I want to thank everyone for the feedback from the last post, I didn’t realize how many people loved this comic, and I promise to put the best of what I can do in every post. Trying some new shading/lighting techniques, hopefully some steps towards a stronger inking style. Now, on to get ready for the next post!
Jesus christ, that arm is gone.
Jeez Finn, that was rude!
Now, shake her hand.
Love all the comics you make, actually. Humor and action but it never feels like you’re trying to drown me in heavy plot kai. Plot comes along all naturally, pats me on the ass, and we all carry along.
Also, Finn just gave me a gigantic murder-boner.
I missed Scout Crossing so much you have no idea.
The tattoo designs, the pacing of the action, the character attitudes and the turnarounds that come with them.
Honestly I would love to see an artbook full of your tattoo designs it would be amazing.
Yes! Ty! More scout crossing please!
I love this comic!!! for years i’ve been so curious about the lore and how the stuff works and the backstory i’m so happy you’re updating again!!!
Two scout crossing comics in the same month! <3
Please keep them coming, I've missed this (and motokool) so much
yes give me moreeeee
Do unnamed people that aren’t the 6 Kings, but know about ink, count as mooks?
In which case, ‘ey, a smart one! Immediately dropping what knowledge he thinks he could get away with (plus begging, I’ve heard it might or might not help). Too bad about the blueberry. On the bright side, you’ve got proof you met Finn and lived!
Assuming you do so, of course…
I’m glad you’re back to it! Scout Crossing is awesome!
yay. oh snap!
So happy this comic is back. I knew checking constantly would yield a reward one day.
Finn has more wrist veins in this than Mr. Mills does in the last Nerf This post. Really puts things into perspective on how fucking pissed Finn must be.
doesnt Mr.Mills work for FInn in this (as a small boy)?
Maybe Finn is his idol and goal in life?
Always love to see more Scout Crossing
WOOHOO!! Updates!
She’s about to have her day wrecked
That arm for starters.
So glad to see this is back up. Love your work
Thanks for the kind words man! Glad you like everything so far!
loving the page
question what happened to the bear?
also That girl is dumb….idk exactly who the kings are…but if a guy pisses off all of them AND only has his eyes facked up..there is msot likely a reason he isnt dead 😐
The bear is serving a purpose behind the scenes as I write this 😉
i still can’t believe it’s back…[*u*]/