Meet My Friend… Chapter 3!
So here is the cover for chapter 3, (I never did a cover for the 1st chapter, and the cover of chapter 2 can be purchased in the store). I really love title pages because it lets me vomit out some sort of horror, and I can play with colors and such 🙂 I’m not certain if people would be interested in purchasing this if I were to get prints made.
Discussion (35) ¬
I’d totally be interested in mass producing Scout’s jacket.
Love the colors on this! :3
Thanks Marissa! I’m really happy you like it 🙂
…oh god this title scares me.
I did it for you Joe 😉
thought you did it for the beef jerky??
Scott will do anything for beef jerky.
And I do mean anything.
The title makes me wish I was reading archives instead of the most recent page.
If that’s the new villain I am a happy happy man!
Those look ominously like shutter shades… The thought of which are making me shudder. D=
You and me both. But the top hat kind of counter-balances it.
I agree with you completely.
It is actually a shutter shade monocle 😉
But… But… That’s like dividing by zero!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
My god. Just when you think we’ve reached the peak of awesome he comes up with this. The sheer knowledge of what has been created will alter my life irrevocably.
Scott looks like he’s ready to drop-kick someone out of existence…
I really like the city skyline at the bottom and the colors, this looks prety awesome 😀
AHHHHHHHH looks sooooo cool! The colours are unreal!
that jacket is bitchin~
I’m so pumped for this!
You know, this entire comic is reminiscent of the Scott Pilgrim Series.
6 kings… 7 Evil Exes
people with superpowers-but-not…
tons of musical references…
I know it might sound mean, but if you think that, then I believe you’ve never read Scott Pilgrim. SP was a comic about wish fulfillment for a guy getting the girl of his dreams, this is a comic about the protagonist’s dead brother and his past. And the villains (I think) or kings, are all stereotypes. The only relevance I see is that they have super powers, you may as well call the Avengers a rip off of X-Men then. This comic is only a few dozen pages in and we still don’t know much about what’s going on (which is pretty cool in it’s own right). I found Scout Crossing about a month ago, and I thought this at 1st too, but I’m beginning to really like it 🙂
(and there isn’t an video game references.)
I wish I wouldn’t have read the word “vomit” as I was eating Ravioli… 🙁
Steampunk?! Hell yes! Love the cover, by the by.
*happy dance* cant wait cant wait
Steampunkkrunk? AWESOME title. I also like how the url of this page is:
I Lol’d. at the meet-my-friend-chapter-3 part. Well played Scott. looking forward to this!
also, I would buy that cover page as a print. trufax.
Just finished reading this.
So awesome. This is. Right now.
Give mez next chapter!
i think i might cream my pants…
Also, I had a dream last night about this chapter. probably nothing like the excellence it will turn out to be, but it was definitely wicked cool.
This is great. I’m really exited to read this, and I love the characters so far.
There are two stories concerning my reaction to this. The first, and official, was a fist pump and “Hell yeah!”
The second was a wordless squeal of delight.
this is awesome, wish the comic updated more 🙂 PLLEEEEAAASE?!
I can’t wait to see this chapter, awesome work as always!