Horrid Filler Post
I thought I would throw this up while I wrap up some projects. I promised a while ago I would post this, and it’s about time I deliver, now, I’m fairly sure I do things in a really ass backwards way, but here we are 🙂
I thought I would throw this up while I wrap up some projects. I promised a while ago I would post this, and it’s about time I deliver, now, I’m fairly sure I do things in a really ass backwards way, but here we are 🙂
Discussion (29) ¬
Thanks for the tips! I only recently started reading this comic, and I read it from start to finish in one day. I love it! It’s interesting to see how you make a page.
Scott, I Knew That Doing A Daily Comic Along With Two Weekly Comics Was Tough, But Man After Seeing This, I Can’t Imagine Just How Much Effort You Put Into A Week’s Worth Of Updates.
Also, Now That I Have Seen This, I Will Never Become Impatient Waiting For An Update Ever Again.
It Makes Total Sense That You Should Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word. I Do It Too!
I’ve been reading your comic for a while now…I still don’t remember HOW I found you, but I’m so glad I did. Everything you do here and with your other comics is so wonderfully done; I love reading them. Personally, I can’t draw worth a damn, but I get to live through you and your awesomeness. I can’t wait to buy Nerf This…and whatever else you come out with. Keep up the phenomenal work!
I guess I can accept this NOTCOMIC.
Oh but seriously, it’s actually really helpful and inspiring to see your art process. Thanks for sharing.
not so horrid. I enjoyed it.
it’s neat because it actually draws attention to some of the individual elements that comprise the overall art style – it’s always fun to look at something as a collection of pieces, as opposed to taking it for granted as a whole.
Best web comic guy EVER!!
Not only because your artwork is kickass – but also because you care about the “little people” (your loyal followers)
Scott… u’so’cool.
i second this!
I concur!
This is very good, just what i needed to start rippnig off your work, Professionally!
big fan, first time posting.
I always wondered how you made the comics..
im honestly much more impressed by the artwork now
Awesome, thank you for the kind words, I’m hoping that I can only get better (and faster) 🙂
Putting up with you? are u serious? I love your work and if you are finishing up other things theres no complaining^^
Now that you mentioned it, I can really noticed the crumbled paper texture.
And now I really appreciate it.
Keep on rockin’.
This is super cool–I’ve been wondering how the Creative Suite gets used in this process! Your artwork is gorgeous–thanks for sharing!
Hey man , found your comics about a month ago and they quickly became some of my favorite webcomics. your plot lines are interesting and both intellectually and emotionally engaging while keeping an extremely entertaining sense of humor and your art style is visually stunning, keep it up.
ok done blowing sunshine up your ass now but thanks for your work ,
I am glad to count myself in your cheering section! Keep up the awesome work and know I at least will be here to the bitter end with this comic. Or sweet end. Or bitter-sweet end. Whatever.
Haha, thanks Ruby, it really makes my day to hear that.
Hey, I just found this comic and it’s awesome. Possibly better than Nerf This.
Awesome, I’m really happy you like it 🙂
Crumpled paper? Effing GENIUS! so simple yet adds such a great feel to the comic. Do you do this with all of them or just scout’s?
I use this same texture with all my comics, but the color hues are a little different. (happy you like it) 🙂
Wow. very interesting insight into how the art gets looking so awesome. Keep up the great work, I lost nerf-this for a few months when my hard drive digested itself but finally found it again, leading me to this.
its..so amazing..i am inspired 0.0
how did you think of the scrunched paper idea? its amazing!
I like the step by step brakedown. It has helped me who is an aspiring comic artist as well, im new to the medium of computer drawings so this has helped me immensly. Of course im doing mine with hundred dollar bamboo kit and a POS Cpu. Wish me luck. Maybe someday you can read my comic 🙂
Looks delish! Many thanks for this!