On The Way
Just a heads up, sorry for the lack of posts recently. A new page is almost done, and will be posted soon. I really want to thank you all for your patience, and it means a lot to me to have such awesome people to read these comics 🙂
Just a heads up, sorry for the lack of posts recently. A new page is almost done, and will be posted soon. I really want to thank you all for your patience, and it means a lot to me to have such awesome people to read these comics 🙂
I look forward to it man, you haven’t let us down yet! 😛
It means a lot to us that such a awesome writter and artist entertains us 5 times a week with nerf this and makes our weeks better with Scout Crossing. It means a lot to us. 🙂
I’m loving the direction this comic is going, keep it up!
I was sooo going to comment on the rhymming thing and noticed you said it first… I’m glad someone else noticed it too!! 😀
You know… I checked my google reader as I do every day and I scrolled through my list. I saw Scout Crossing as was immediately pleased as punch. Opened it in a new tab and read through some of my strips. Get to Scout.
You are such a tease. The best kind of tease. ^_^
I actually like this one the best out of all the three of your comics! Maybe I just like to see those scene bastards get what’s coming to them… anyone else feel that way?
i accept your apology… just kidding your awesome cant wait for more
I appreciate the rhyme. 🙂
Thank God NERF THIS got me here! Lovin’ the series man, keep it up! 😀
You sir, are a bold faced liar. You never update when you say you will. At least have the decency to remove your update schedule as you have never and will never adhere to it.
Considering this is a well made story that is provided to you for free, perhaps you should think about your statement. We all know that the artist has several other comics, which are also free. I would assume he has a “real” job, as well as a thing called a life. If you are really that upset, I am sure you could help support the artist and send him money, so he could spend more time doing what he loves.
I think the point is that he told us there would be an update ‘soon’ over a week ago. I understand not updating faster, but getting our hopes up and dragging it out can be a bit grating.
Scott puts a ton of work into his comics. Considering his current updates for Scout Crossing are entire pages instead of a simple 3-4 panel strip, it’s understandable that the updates would come less often. At the moment, Scott is likely preparing the Nerf This books (and extras) for shipment when he’s not working. Even during his vacation, he made it a point to work on the comic. Scott’s job (and life) is his art. Nerf This strips can take around 8 hours or more to complete – the quality he puts in his work is obvious.
In addition to his free webcomics, I think he has a print-comic running (although I’m not 100% sure), and he has a home to maintain. Time is flying by for him and I’m sure each minute has been packed full. He realizes that he doesn’t update Scout’s Crossing and Motokool as much as he’d like to, but if you’re focusing too much on one comic and not paying attention to the ongoings of the others, you might realize you’re missing out. I don’t mean that in the “Nerf-This is amazing and you’re missing out”, I mean it as “Nerf-This might provide some useful information and a new perspective in understanding the Scout’s Crossing world.”
Additionally, Scott’s Scout’s Crossing update scheduling is on the header of the page, listed as “whenever possible for the time being.” Instead of providing his readers with half-assed comics of a great quantity, he ensures his comics are high-quality at the risk of not being able to update Scout’s Crossing and Motokool as often as he would like. This gives him the opportunity to find ways to cut down the time spent on one comic without sacrificing the quality.
As I stated before, though. This update comes on the heel of his first official book (which did splendidly, mind you), which he’s trying to make sure gets out in a timely manner, as well. If you did pay attention to his Indie-GoGo project for Nerf-This, you’d realize what an amazing deal you could’ve gotten for helping with the Nerf-This book (and the amount of work Scott has to get everything together for them).
Also, on a somewhat related note, “soon” is a relative term. The page is -almost- finished according to his post and, in his defense, he attempts to keep fillers out of the Scout Crossing updates, ensuring that nearly every update is a quality update.
He’s probably stressed enough with things as it is. Does he really need another time-sensitive project to keep up with? It may not be updating as fast as you would prefer or are used to, but, as a comic whose sole contribution is readership (as in he doesn’t have any Scout’s Crossing merchandise, though not to discount the value of readership), this comic is more for Scott, the way I see it. It’s too important to him to give it up, but he simply doesn’t have the time he’d like to dedicate to it. This ensures the reader that the comic won’t simply fade off in the middle of a storyline, but also asks that the reader have patience. It is Scott’s story and should be told at a pace that is best for him. Rushing a story can spoil it for everyone.
I find it perfectly reasonable for Scott not to update Scout faster, but when he says he’ll get one up on the 7th (after a week delay), then delays again, people like me get antsy for more. I in no way want Scott to rush, I love Scout the way it is.
I can’t wait for more pages 🙂 I thought you were just going to disappear, like all of the other web series I read 🙁
Oh my god, it’s YOUR FAULT????!?!??!?